Positive Affirmations for Pregnancy and Birth

pregnancy and birth affirmations

Shifting your perspective

The mind is the greatest tool you have during labor. The biggest challenge of giving birth is moving out of your own way, and allowing your body and mind to do the work. Giving up control of the mind and letting the body take over a process is not a practice that always comes easily. It takes consistent effort to be intentional with your thoughts on a daily basis during pregnancy so that when your labor begins, you have this practice mastered and when the intense discomfort arises or the fear starts to creep in, you are armed with the tools and mental preparedness to conquer the fear, pain, and anxiety that you may have during the labor and birth.

Power of positive mindset in all aspects of life

A few non-birth examples where you may tap into this mental practice include running long distances, hiking a mountain, meditating, or powering through a challenging yoga class. Birth Affirmations are a powerful way to train your mind to be present with each moment and as the body expands and contracts as your baby moves down and out you are in control of your thoughts and continually reminding yourself of your power. Many women attest to their effectiveness in creating a smoother, shorter, and less complicated labor and birth.

Birth Affirmations

You are strong, you are beautiful, and you know exactly what you need to bring your baby earth side.

Are birth affirmations for me?

Birth affirmations are not only for women desiring an unmedicated birth. Birth affirmations can help keep you focused and centered throughout pregnancy and your birth no matter what type of birth you desire. The goal of affirmations is to help keep you grounded through every aspect of the birthing process including times when events arise that are stressful and diverge from your original birth preferences.

More inspiring and encouraging pregnancy and birth affirmations:

  • I am loving my baby

  • I am not alone

  • I am grateful for my pregnancy

  • When I breath, I inhale peace and exhale fear

  • I am creating a healthy and loved baby

  • I am deeply attached to my baby

  • My body is not a lemon (From Ina May Gaskin: Remember this, for it is as true as true gets: Your body is not a lemon. You are not a machine. The Creator is not a careless mechanic. Human female bodies have the same potential to give birth as well as aardvarks, lions, rhinoceros, elephants, moose, and water buffalo. Even if it has not been your habit throughout your life so far, I recommend that you learn to think positively about your body.)

  • Where a thought goes, a molecule follows - Deepak Chopra

  • God didn't give me the spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and a sound mind

  • I trust my instincts to lead my body and baby

  • I make this choice out of love for my baby

  • I am strong enough to let my baby be born the way baby needs

  • I am enough. I did enough.

  • I surrender to what is and let love heal me

  • I continue to ask for what I need

  • I have time, support, and all the tools I need to process my experience and find myself in it

  • Our start does not determine our future

  • Just as a woman’s heart knows how and when to pump, her lungs to inhale, and her hand to pull back from fire, so she knows when and how to give birth

  • Birth is a normal and natural process, I trust my body and baby 

  • I am a strong and capable woman.  I trust my instincts to know what I need for labor.

  • I surrender with confidence

  • I have grown this baby, I will push him out.

  • My body is indeed beautifully and wonderfully made. 

  • A woman’s birth is her chance to hold hands with God.

  • Labor cannot be stronger than me, because it IS me. 

  • My baby knows how to be born; I listen for my baby’s guiding voice. 

  • I remember all the women who have walked this path before me.  They did it and so can I! 

  • There are 490,000 women who will birth on the same day as I do.  I draw strength and courage from them. 

  • I free my mind from negative thoughts

  • I acknowledge my fear every time I feel it…and I let that fear go 

  • My body knows what to do.  I will surrender fully and completely 

  • My courage and patience will send my baby into my arms. 

  • My body will give birth on it’s own time. 

  • My job is to simply relax and allow my birth to happen 

  • My body knows how to have this baby just as my body knew how to grow this baby

  • Birth is an easy and natural occurrence for which my body has been perfectly designed.

pregnancy and birth affirmations

Now that you have your favorite birth affirmations:

1.) Write down the ones that resonate with you.
2.) Meditate on them every single day
3.) Display them where you can see them during your pregnancy and even your labor and birth.

I hope you feel inspired by these beautiful pregnancy and childbirth affirmations and that they bring you joy, confidence, peace, and motivation along your journey.

Want your own set of custom birth affirmations?

To print the cards, follow these instructions:
2.) Select the printer icon and print (ensure the paper size is 8.5x11 and the scale at 100%. This will print 2 cards per page and then you can cut them down to size)
3.) OR, to save to your computer, select the download icon in the top right corner
4.) “Save As” to the desired location on your computer
5.) Open the PDF from your computer and select print (ensure the paper size is 8.5x11 and the scale at 100%. This will print 2 cards per page and then you can cut them down to size)
6.) You can use a heavier card stock. Check out the 8.5 x 11 CARD STOCK on Amazon. You can save the extra card stock for easy DIY cards for future birthdays and holidays. 

I hope you enjoy these custom made birth affirmations cards!


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